About us
The Copyright Office is a foundation incorporated under Dutch law to serve the collective interests of copyright owners. Our goal is to create effective protection for copyright owners. By using a blockchain based copyright register Copyright Office provides enhanced security for creators and owners of copyright protected works and creates transparency with regard to rightful copyright owners and prior art discussions. The registration process of the works, transfers and the provision of information as set out in the Copyrights Register is executed by WEIP Services as authorized licensee of the Copyright Office.
Diederik Donk

Diederik has over 20 years of experience as an IP lawyer, litigator and advisor in the field of intellectual property law. In court cases about copyright infringements Diederik experienced that - as a result of modern technologies - it becomes more and more difficult for copyright owners to prove by who and when a work was created. Having experience as a lecturer about IP rights and blockchain technologies, Diederik took the initiative to develop the Copyrights Register improving the possibilities for copyright owners to benefit from their creation - and the value of their works. Diederik is a member of the International Association for the protection of intellectual property (AIPPI).
Helen Maatjes
Helen is admitted as a (IP) lawyer to the bar in The Netherlands in 2006 and currently considered as a leading expert relating to copyright law. She has extensive experience in litigation relating to all kind of intellectual property matters. Helen is in particular asked by international clients in innovative sectors for advice on copyright infringements and other intellectual property matters. Her knowledge in the field of (digital) copyright law is unrivaled. Helen is a member of BMM (Benelux Association of trademark and design attorneys).

Jeroen Smits

Jeroen is our chairman for continuous improvement of the Copyrights Register and responsible for the process improvement of copyright registrations. As trusted advisor of creative and innovative companies and individuals, creativity is the heart of Jeroen's thinking. Jeroen aims to develop strong connections with our IP representatives trying to understand and meet their commercial goals and issues.
Rudi Holzhauer - Of counsel
As Of Counsel at The Copyright Office Rudi supports the Copyright Office and works as a trusted advisor for the board providing the board with informed and professional opinions regarding copyright issues, pending litigations and developments relating to copyright law within the European Union.
Before joining The Copyright Office Rudi used to work at a legal scientist at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands for a period of more than 30 years. As deputy judge, Rudi was active for around 10 years at the Civil Court in The Hague ruling about conflicts with regard to all kinds of intellectual property law. As a senior lecturer, Rudi developed the content for the training of BMM trademark and design attorneys.

General information:
Stichting Copyright Office
Van Alkemadelaan 68
2597 AN The Hague, The Netherlands
KvK: 88979415
Requests and questions:
WEIP Services B.V.
Van Alkemadelaan 68
2597 AN The Hague, The Netherlands
KvK: 88348490
VAT nr: NL 8645 88689 B01